Health project

FRUDIS srl supports the 5 am Tag – 5 al giorno campaign, which encourages the consumption of five portions of fruit and vegetables every day to keep fit and healthy, and to strengthen the immune system. In fact, studies now show that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is incredibly important for your health, thanks to the intake of vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements and dietary fibre, which all help our bodies to stay healthy.
Around 60% of the men and women interviewed were aware of the “5 am Tag – 5 al giorno” campaign, which is supported by Germany’s Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Italy’s Ministry of Health, the EU and by private companies.
The five daily portions referred to in the slogan are measured as follows: for children, one portion is equivalent to around 70g of vegetables or 100g of fruit, whereas one portion for adults is equivalent to around 120g. How or when we consume the five portions during the course of our day is not important, but a varied intake is essential because every fruit and vegetable contains different substances.

Red, yellow, green: choose a rainbow of fruit and vegetables for a healthy diet!
More information can be found at: